A Rajkó Zenekar vendégművészei
és a Gold Coast-i Magyar Egyesület vezetösége
nagyon sok szeretettel és különleges műsorral
várják a közönséget Gold Coast-on
a Broadbeach-i teremben!
Szeptember 30-án 2012, Vasárnap 5 Órakor.
Helyfoglalás: Horváth Gyöngyi 07-55 748 505
Welcome to the best Concert Event of the year,
at the Gold Coast Hungarian Association.
30 September 2012, 5 pm at the
Broadbeach Senior Citizen Center
Broadbeach QLD.
RAJKÓ Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra
from Budapest
A European tradition in folk and classical music at its best
The world famous RAJKÓ Orchestra has toured most Continents of the World with unprecedented success. They have performed in Australia on many occasions and this year’s Tour marks their long awaited return to Gold Coast. Performances will feature an seven member orchestra with traditional instruments producing the “Authentic Gypsy music” sound of the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Their repertoire includes traditional folk music, classical masterpieces and old evergreen favorites, presented in a style which can only be heard in Budapest. Every performer is a highly skilled master of his instrument and the orchestra members have played together for decades, assuring a perfect ensemble sound.
“A concert that you will enjoy”
Please book on time!
Pearl (Gyongyi Horvath) Tel: 07-55 748 505